Workshops, Trainings and Consultations

Commemorative session on children and adolescents in prison with their caregivers, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, 28th June 2022

  Within the context of the 10th Anniversary of the Institute of Judicial Studies at Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas a session on children and adolescents with mothers and fathers in prison was celebrated. Three panelists, moderated by Corina Giacomello, shared information on different practices at international level and also specifically within the context of Latin

Commemorative session on children and adolescents in prison with their caregivers, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, 28th June 2022 Read More »

Solitary confinement for adolescents and young people. A pending agenda item, DCI Spain, 22nd and 23rd June 2022

The deprivation of liberty of children in juvenile penal institutions has negative impacts on the health and development of children. Both, the UN and the Council of Europe regard this situation with concern. In order to address this thematic, DCI Spain organized a two-day event where experts on juvenile justice provided an overview on the

Solitary confinement for adolescents and young people. A pending agenda item, DCI Spain, 22nd and 23rd June 2022 Read More »

Regional Roundtable on Human Rights and Child Justice, OHCHR Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa, 25th May 2022

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights – Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa organised an online regional roundtable on Human Rights and Child Justice on 25th May entitled “International norms and standards related to children deprived of liberty, including alternatives to and conditions of detention”. This event

Regional Roundtable on Human Rights and Child Justice, OHCHR Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa, 25th May 2022 Read More »

Mapping Detention, ENTRE Vienna, Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights, University of Angewandte, 13th May 2022

As part of an exhibition at the ENTRE Gallery in Vienna called Broken on a Wheel, Marilyn Volkman moderated an online discussion on arts and human rights which was hosted by ENTRE and the University of Angewandte. The exhibiting artist, Dan Paz, presented her Project Youth Advocacy Map(s), a digital map created with students, activists,

Mapping Detention, ENTRE Vienna, Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights, University of Angewandte, 13th May 2022 Read More »

Updates on the Global Study component within the project “Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation” (ACRiSL), a project coordinated by the University of Nottingham

The Global Campus is an academic partner of the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre working on the project “Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation”. This project seeks to use legal cases as a tool to bring legal and social change in terms of children’s enjoyment of their rights and focuses on different thematic areas.

Updates on the Global Study component within the project “Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation” (ACRiSL), a project coordinated by the University of Nottingham Read More »

Global Study South Asia Regional Launch, Kathmandu School of Law & GCHR, 4th April 2022

On the 4th of April, the Kathmandu School of Law and the Global Campus of Human Rights hosted the South Asian Regional Launch of the Global Study and policy research on children deprived of liberty in the area of administration of justice. Following the opening words and presentation of the Global Study, this event provided

Global Study South Asia Regional Launch, Kathmandu School of Law & GCHR, 4th April 2022 Read More »