Workshop on Strategic Litigation on Children’s Rights at the University of Nottingham

This workshop hosted by the University of Nottingham and led by Professor Aoife Nolan and Professor Manfred Nowak examined child rights-specific strategic litigation related work as a tool for legal and social change. Karabo Ozah, Director of the Centre for Child Law in Pretoria, Claire Tixiere, from the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights, Neha Desai, Director of Immigration, National Centre for Youth Law in USA and Verónica Gómez, Professor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín and President of the GCHR were some of the experts participating in this two-day workshop taking place during the 2nd and 3rd of March 2020. They identified regional practices, opportunities and challenges in child-rights litigation work. Also Manfred Nowak, Chiara Altafin, Reina-Marie Loader and Manu Krishan from the GCHR discussed ways of incorporating the Global Study recommendations in the strategic litigation project.

The Global Study Team from the GCHR looks forward to working with the University of Nottingham and close cooperation partners on strategic litigation cases connected to the Global Study recommendations!

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